Orla + Aerolit0
[sea's edge + aerolite]
Onde os olhos não tocam, Galeria Liminare, Lisboa
Orla-eco 2023
chalk on slate stone fragments, aprox. 30 x 50 cm
Orla (2023) is developed as a continuity of the project Desenho natural. A água flui na linha.
Composed of a series of fragments of slate stones collected on the beaches of Esposende (Portugal), Orla is based on an exercise of attention, from the recognition of forms shaped by the sea and the wind, to the perception of the long time that gave rise to them. The inscribed gesture seeks a place among these marks, choosing for that purpose the simple gesture of the line and the repetition (accumulation) of its instabilities, seeking an encounter between the pre-existent natural lines and the drawn lines, recognizing the potential fragility of both. The ephemerality of the gesture (reversible and easily erasable), follows a conscious choice not to incise, not to destroy the surface, but rather a sensitive relationship with what is already there. It is a gesture that is deposited, just like the limestone that gave rise to the chalk used (of marine sedimentary origin). In addition to the symbolic and material relationship, chalk adds another layer of relationship by referring to learning methods, replacing the training of abstract character forms (already disconnected from the natural forms that gave rise to them - David Abram), by a contact with the natural lines.
Additionally, the line acts as a kind of threshold: between natural line and drawn line, between drawing and calligraphy, between natural process and cultural language.
This work was conceived especially for the exhibition onde os olhos não tocam [where the eyes do not touch], with works by Juliana Matsumura and Rosanna Bach, curated by Leonor Carrilho. [read the curatorial text here]
Orla 2023
Exhibition views Onde os olhos não tocam, collective exhition with Juliana Matsumura and Rosanna Bach, curated by Leonor Carrilho, at Galeria Liminare, Lisboa
Orla 2023
chalk and soft pastel on slate stone fragments, 5 pieces, variable dimensions
Aerolito 2023
full HD video, 16:9, color, sound, 17'44'', loop, projection on fabric, 191,4 x 107,7 cm
Exhibition views Onde os olhos não tocam, collective exhition with Juliana Matsumura and Rosanna Bach, curated by Leonor Carrilho, at Galeria Liminare, Lisboa
Aerolito 2023
full HD video, 16:9, color, sound
Aerolito (2023) is a cyclical (loop) video that arises from the dynamic opposition between weight and lightness.
Departing from the phenomenon of the same name, which refers to stones falling from the sky, Aerolito intends to transport us to a threshold place: between the levitation of clouds and the threat of collision, between the sound of the wind and the sound of colliding between stones, between too much light and total darkness.
The clouds, symbols of constant metamorphosis, contrast with the stones as a symbol of (apparent) immobility. A slow time and a fleeting time meet in this video, in which a small moment of approximation between clouds is repeated and turned over, trapped in a potential tension, never resolved.