Becoming: meditations
curated by Maria Eduarda Duarte
4+4 proposals for making sense of today's convivial cultures series of online exhibitions at 4Cs - From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture

Becoming: meditations on landscape (I) 2020
ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm
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Becoming: meditations on shadow 2020
video, color, no sound, 16:9, 1’45’’
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Becoming: meditations on landscape (II) 2020
ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm
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Becoming: meditations on light 2020
video, color, no sound, 16:9, 1’47’’
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Becoming: meditations on landscape (III) 2020
ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm
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Becoming: meditations on vitality 2020
video, color, no sound, 16:9, 24’’
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Three brief visual meditations and a growing drawing propose an encounter with different natural elements and temporalities, evoking three distinct levels of perception: on the subsoil, water and rock enunciate a slow, geological time; between the leaves of a poplar tree, wind and fire conjure up a feeling of fleeting time and suggest a latent destruction; from the cut of a tree, the time is counted drop by drop while the sap is leaking out to the soil.
An idea of landscape is pursued within the interstices of those meditations: through dissonances and similarities an attunement of times is proposed - from the geological time to the time of vitality - in a quest for reflecting about our own perception of temporality.
Becoming: meditations was developed in april 2020, during the first lockdown in Portugal.
It was an invitation from 4Cs - From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture (Creative Culture Europe) and it was supported by them.