Maps of touch
EGEU, Lisbon
Mapas de toque [Maps of touch] 2022
Exhibition view: Nature tuned to a dead channel (2022), collective exhibition with Bruno José Silva and Marco Pestana, curated by Ana Begonha and Tomás Agostinho at EGEU, Lisbon
Maps of touch (2022) is a revisitation of the project of the same name started in 2015 on Suomenlinna, a rocky island in Helsinki. Starting from a relationship with that place, I think of an idea of alternative cartography, through a small performance, in which I lay down on a rock that seemed to have been carved to accommodate my body, like a kind of tomb. I invoke the potential of performative immobility or of a “weak (human) action” as Tuija Kokkonen calls it, an action of presence in time that does not remove anything or interfere with the place. In this reformulation and re-presentation of Maps of touch, the experience is documented through a photograph on tracing paper and a video with multiple layers, which recovers a direct memory of contact with the rock. Through thin and transparent surfaces, an encounter between body and matter is documented, suggesting a reflection on geology, dematerialization and disappearance. Starting from the cadence of breathing and its manipulation, in video, landscape and body become one, until a progressive immobility, suggests an interpenetration and action of times: between geological time, slow time of sedimentation and affectation, human time (organic time, inexorable / psychological time, malleable) and technological time (accumulation of images, data, prostheses of memory).
Curatorial text by Ana Bacelar Begonha e Tomás Agostinho
Mapas de toque [Maps of touch] 2015
laser print on tracing paper, 90 x 160 cm
Mapas de toque [Maps of touch] 2022
diptych: Mapas de toque, 2015
laser print on tracing paper, 90 x 160 cm
. Mapas de toque, 2022
full HD rearscreen video projection, 16:9, color, sound, 9’53’’, loop, 130 x 70 cm
Mapas de toque [Maps of touch] 2022
full HD video, 16:9, color, sound, 9’53’’, loop
Supported by: EGEU - Associação Cultural
Special thanks to: Tiago Madaleno